Campus WIFI

Campus WIFI

Every Campus has their own WIFI connections for Student use.

Depending on what business line you campus represents, how you are intended to access the WIFI will change slightly.

 Career College (triOS College and Eastern College)

If you are enrolled to and learn at a Career College Campus, the WIFI is made available through a shared key. You can get the login information for your Reception Desk Staff Member or Instructor.

This code may be cycled and changes at any time.

 International Partnerships (Sault College and Mohawk College)

If you are enrolled to and learn at a International Partnership Campus (Toronto South West, Brampton Sault College, Mississauga Mohawk Campus at Square One), the WIFI is made available through a shared key. You can get the login information for your Reception Desk Staff Member or Instructor.

This code may be cycled and changes at any time.

 Additional Links

Connecting to WIFI on Various Operating Systems:

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