Step 1: Click on the PaperCut icon
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Please look in the system tray in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. You will see a PaperCut icon if you are in dark mode it will look like this: |
Step 2: Sign in with your PaperCut Credentials Step 3: Click Add printers then click Install on the printer that you want to add
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NOTE: The If no printers listed are specific to the location of the computer is in (by IP) and will not show all company printers nor will it even show all campus printers. |
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NOTE: This allows the installation of classroom printers without Administrative prompt. |
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NOTE: The next student who sign's in will have to follow the same process.are found then click on Refresh |
Step 3: Sign in with your Student ID and your password and click Sign in and install
Printer installation complete